March Newsletter 2023

March Newsletter 2023

March 2023 Dear Member We hope you like the new club logo. Thank you so much to all of you who submitted a design. We took the few which received the most votes at our Christmas Party and decided amongst the committee which to use. We all preferred a clear, graphic...

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February Newsletter 2023

February Newsletter 2023

February 2023 Dear Member May we wish you a Happy and Healthy 2023. Last December it was good to meet so many of you at our Christmas Party. Thank you so much for coming along and bringing such lovely food. Your membership renewal was due on 1st January 2023. Many...

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January Newsletter 2023

January Newsletter 2023

January 2023 Dear Member With our very Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year Your membership renewal is due on 1st January, 2023. We do hope that you will decide to remain a member of Cookham Arts Club. To renew, simply send your fee by bank transfer to our HSBC...

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December Newsletter 2022

December Newsletter 2022

Dear Member In October we welcomed Mark Warner who, with a help of very ordinary looking photo, created a wonderful landscape in acrylics. He used a blue pastel paper to paint on so no white gaps were showing at the end. Mark also used a flat square brush that he...

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November Newsletter 2022

November Newsletter 2022

Dear Member The Club Holiday. Based around the village of Selworthy in the beautiful countryside of the Exmoor National Park, this year’s holiday was greatly enjoyed. Unfortunately, Covid appeared at the holiday centre and one of the party had to return home early....

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October Newsletter 2022

October Newsletter 2022

October 2022 In loving memory of Queen Elizabeth II 1926 – 2022 ************************************************************************************************************************************************* This silhouette was drawn by Kay and used on a card which...

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September 2022 Newsletter

September 2022 Newsletter

Dear Member It will be August when you receive this Newsletter, the month of our Summer Exhibition. We have been very pleased indeed at the response of our members, putting their work forward for this. The exhibition runs from 16th to 28th August so do bring your...

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August 2022 Newsletter

August 2022 Newsletter

August 2022 Newsletter Dear Member Our demo in June was given by Hashim Akib. He is one of our favourite painters and always amuses us with his anecdotes at the same time as applying paint in broad brushstrokes, gradually refining until, quite magically, cars, buses...

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July 2022 Newsletter

July 2022 Newsletter

Dear Member Events in July We will hold our Summer Garden Party on Sunday July 10th, from 12 – 4pm. Barry and Linda Wisbey have very kindly offered to be our hosts. They live at Wymers Wood Road, Burnham. It is on the outskirts of Burnham, convenient to get to from...

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