Sep 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
Dear Member Best in show! Each year we put on a summer exhibition in Pinder Hall, Cookham Rise. After having to cancel last August, the Club’s artists, along with a few non-members set up a super display of paintings, drawings, ceramics, glass art, needlework and...
Aug 31, 2021 | Uncategorized
Dear Member Our August Summer Exhibition will be getting under way in Pinder Hall when you receive this Newsletter, so please promote it in any way you can, for example with the flyers we sent you or on your social media. Do bring your friends and relatives along. As...
Jul 31, 2021 | Uncategorized
Dear Member Club members have recently returned from the 2021 Holiday: 12 people,10 painters and 2 walkers went to the Isle of Wight. After few hiccups with getting on ferry, all enjoyed the trip, and found the hotel well prepared to cope with the Covid restrictions...
Jul 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
Dear Member COOKHAM ARTS CLUB – still going strong after 80 years! We did hope to hold our 80th Anniversary Lunch Party on Sunday 10th July, as mentioned in the last Newsletter. However, at the time of writing our PM has just announced an extension of the Covid...
May 21, 2021 | Uncategorized
In April, eight club members took part in the Club’s first workshop held over Zoom. The artist Mark Warner was a good presenter, giving clear explanations with a sense of fun. He was very informative and helpful and had a look at every individual’s work. We all...
May 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
Dear Member In March Melissa Wishart gave us a seascape demo, watched via Zoom by about 30 members. She was a very good presenter, calm, with good camera work to show us her painting and the palette she was using. As an introduction she showed us a lot of previous...
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