The name of the Club shall be THE COOKHAM ARTS CLUB.


The aims of the Club shall be to promote interest and to encourage participation in the arts.

To this end the Committee shall:

  • Circulate a Monthly Newsletter to all members detailing forthcoming events.
  • Hold a monthly meeting for members.
  • Arrange outing, classes, demonstrations etc. and social events.
  • Hold an open Art Exhibition annually of at least one week’s duration.
  • The Committee will when necessary make a charge to defray costs.


Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the arts, aged 18 years or over.

Membership of the Club may be limited to any number decided by the Committee and whenever this number is reached, a waiting list of prospective members may be started.

The Committee has power to suspend any member if it considers this to be in the interest of the Club.


The annual subscription shall be recommended by the Committee and approved at the Annual General Meeting. Membership subscriptions shall become due on the 1st January each year.

For any new member joining the Club after 31st August, the subscription paid shall run until the end of the following year. Members shall be given a final reminder in the February Monthly Newsletter and members whose subscriptions are unpaid on the 1st March shall be deemed to have left the Club.


The management of the Club shall be in the hands of a Committee elected at the AGM from members of the Club.

The Committee shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Exhibitions Organiser as Officers of the Club, and not more than six ordinary members.

A quorum shall consist of four members, one of which shall be the Chairman, Secretary or the Treasurer.

In the event of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second and casting vote.

Members of the Committee and Officers of the Club may be re-elected for consecutive terms.

The Committee shall have power to co-opt other members of the Club as full Committee members to vacancies not filled at the AGM or arising later and to appoint sub-committees of not less than three members to deal with specific objectives.

The quorum of any sub-committee shall be two members.

The election, by ballot if necessary, of new Committee members shall take place at the AGM.

The names of willing nominees duly seconded shall have been previously advised to the Secretary not less than fourteen days before the date of the meeting.


The Committee shall have the power to confirm the names of a President and Life Members for appointment by the Club.


The AGM shall be held each year in the autumn, the date to be advised not less than four weeks in advance and members notified of the Agenda in the relevant Monthly Newsletter.

The following business shall be conducted.

  • Report by the Secretary on the Club’s activities during the year.
  • Presentation of Accounts and Financial Report by the Treasurer for the year ended 30th September.
  • Election of officers and new committee members.
  • Appointment of an Auditor.
  • Any other business previously decided by the Committee or requested by members in writing to the Secretary not less than two weeks before the date of the meeting.


An Extraordinary General Meeting maybe called at any time and shall be convened within one month by the Committee or at the written request of one fifth of the membership or twenty-five members whichever is the less.

Requests should be sent to the Secretary stating the reasons for wishing to hold such a meeting, two weeks’ notice to be given to members and proceedings to be confined to the matter/s specified in the Notice.


Club funds not needed for the everyday running of the Club shall be lodged with an organisation of trustee status which pays interest.

Monies accrued by the Club may be used at the discretion of the Committee to purchase equipment for the general benefit of the Club, for the provision of professional artists, lecturers, musicians etc. or for furtherance of Club activities.


The Club may be dissolved by a Resolution passed by a majority of those present at a General Meeting specially convened for the purpose.

Should this Resolution be passed, the assets of the Club shall be realised and, after payment of all debts, any monies remaining shall be sent to an appropriate charity.

Should the Club remain in debt, every member shall be liable to contribute equally to the payment of outstanding debts.


No alteration or addition to the Rules shall be made except by Resolution carried by a majority of members present at the Annual General Meeting.


The Club shall abide by the Government Data Protection Rules introduced in 2018 and any future changes or amendments (see statement below).


Cookham Arts Club is not an organisation that processes, passes on, sells or analyses in any way our members’ personal details.

We hold details of our members’ names, address, telephone number – landline and/or mobile, and email address.

We use this information to notify members about the activities of the club via a monthly newsletter sent by email or in printed form.

We may communicate to members other information related to Club activities – for example if you sign up for a club-run course or outing.

For exhibitions the Treasurer notes details of an exhibitor’s bank sort code and account number, obtained from the cheque provided to pay for exhibition space, or given to them by the Exhibitor.

These details are used only to pay a successful exhibitor the proceeds of any works sold.

Payment is made by bank transfer where possible.

After payment has been made the account details are deleted from the records held only by the Treasurer.