Dear Member
Can you believe it, the January 2022 Newsletter already? As it will still be 2021 when you get this, may we wish all our members a Happy and Safe Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year.
We have planned a full and interesting programme of events for the coming twelve months, when we should be able to continue meeting in person, fully vaccinated and face masked. At the time of writing yet another variant of the Coronavirus is causing concern and we will have to be prepared to follow guidelines and make changes where necessary.
January 1st is the time for your Membership Renewal, and we do hope that you will choose to stay with us for another year. (Fees are £20 single and £34 for a couple). Sue Sepehri will be taking over from Robert Jones as membership secretary.
Renewal should be very simple this time – just go to our website, , and click on MEMBERSHIP at the top of the screen. Fill in and submit the online form, send the fee by bank transfer and that’s it!
There is a tick box on the form if you prefer to send a cheque.
PLEASE send a form, even if you don’t have to pay a fee this time (for example if you joined after the Exhibition this year or you are a life member) so we can check that our records are accurate. Many thanks.
It would be really helpful to have your renewals in plenty of time, then we can post your new membership cards in mid-January along with the flyers for the Spring Exhibition (as mentioned in ‘date for the diary’, below) which are mailedto every member.
In November, several members gathered in CDVH where Chris Christoforou was running a workshop on the theme of Painting an Expressive Landscape in acrylics. He gave excellent demonstrations of impasto and watercolour-like techniques with acrylic paint. A most enjoyable and productive day, as you can see from all the paintings (and happy members!) in this photo.
Monthly Meeting: A Critique. Thursday 20thJanuary 2pm – 4pm in The Parish Centre, Church Gate, Cookham, SL6 9SP.
Peter Keegan is coming to run our first critique of the year. You might remember Peter from his demo of a charcoal portrait of his daughter. Please bring two works not seen before. There will be a Vote for our favourite painting, with a small prize for the winner.
Exhibition in Elizabeth House
Have you visited our display of paintings in Elizabeth House, Cookham Rise? Please do mention it to friends and family and drop in to view the exhibits and perhaps even make a purchase – Christmas is coming!
Opening Times: Monday 22nd November 2021 – Wednesday January 19th 2022
Monday – Thursday: 10am – 4pm (12 noon – 2pm closed for lunch)
Friday: 10am – 3pm (12 noon – 2pm closed for lunch)
Tuesday Painting. In line with current guidance, please wear face coverings until further notice.
Held in Cookham Dean Village Hall, 2 – 5pm every Tuesday.
Suggested Topics |
December 21st and 28th No meeting |
January 18th: A still life using hatching and cross-hatching (look up Jake Spicer for inspiration) |
January 4th: Owls |
January 25th: Paint what you like |
January 11th: Paint what you like |
Coming Soon
Saturday February 19th – Club fun day at Cookham Dean Village Hall (Church Road, Cookham Dean, Berks SL6 9PY),10am – 4pm. By the middle of February, we are sure you will want to banish those winter blues by coming along for a day of interesting and amusing art activities. One will be a marbling technique using acrylic inks and shaving foam, and a second should loosen up your sketching and painting techniques – it will involve charcoal and strong coffee and a very long handled brush! Most of the materials will be provided, (including the long brush). As a minimum you will need to bring along some quite heavy cartridge paper and a tray (e.g. baking tray).
£10 to attend – what a bargain!
If you would like to join the workshop, please email Sue Sepehri by Saturday 22nd January ( requesting how many places you will require.
Sue will then email your confirmation and outline your payment options. No payment will be required until Sue has emailed you and confirmed your place.
Date for the Diary
March 4th – 6th Spring Exhibition. This is an exhibition and sale for members only, in which you hire a screen (or table) to display your own artwork. All the booking details will be in your February newsletter.
Roger Dellar made an interesting observation during his recent demonstration. Keep acrylic or oil paint flat in your dark shadow areas. Otherwise, the light can catch the raised edges of impasto paint and give unexpected highlights!
Yours sincerely
Robert Jones