August 2022 Newsletter
Dear Member
Our demo in June was given by Hashim Akib. He is one of our favourite painters and always amuses us with his anecdotes at the same time as applying paint in broad brushstrokes, gradually refining until, quite magically, cars, buses and people appear on the canvas.
Also in June, five artists arrived at Wooburn Town to paint around Wash Hill and the pretty row of cottages nestling below. The weather was sunny and very pleasant and afterwards we retired to the garden of the Old Bell Pub for tea and something sweet. On the right, artists at work in Wooburn.
For the Queen’s Jubilee, Cookham Dean organised a special “Metre Market” in a marquee on the green. We joined in, setting up our stall with a display of paintings and cards. Lyn, pictured left, set up her easel to demonstrate watercolour painting ‘live’. Visitors were interested to watch or comment on the painting in progress during the afternoon, including one interested young teenage artist able to paint a picture under Lyn’s guidance. Two paintings were sold plus several cards.
Our Summer Garden Party was held early in July. Our hosts Barry and Linda had worked hard in their beautiful garden to set out lots of chairs and tables in the shade – much appreciated as it was such a perfect, hot and sunny day. There were about thirty-five members and spouses and the food brought along made a delicious spread. Freddie tested us with two quizzes, one with cryptic clues for garden plants and a rebus of country names, some of which caused great amusement. Barry has a great interest in fish and had constructed the most enormous garden pond where we could stand for a while on the bridge and watch the carp meander in and out of the water lilies. Huge thanks to Linda and Barry for being such excellent hosts and welcoming us into their home for the day.
For the next Sunday painting on August 7th, 10.30 – 4pm, we are meeting in Hughenden Park, near High Wycombe, HP14 4LA – situated one and a half miles north of High Wycombe – take the A4128 Great Missenden Road and follow the brown NT signs to Valley Road. Hughenden Manor, Disraeli’s house is at the centre and run by the National Trust, but no prior arrangements have been made to pay and paint within the NT grounds.
Free Car Park open 10-4pm just inside the entrance to the park on Valley Road main entrance. The large park has an attractive church containing the grave of Benjamin Disraeli, a small stream and gatehouse. In past years there have been teas and cakes available at the church but it is not known at this stage if these have restarted this year. Local cafe may need to be found instead.
Tuesday Painting Workshops. At Cookham Dean Village Hall, Church Road, Cookham Dean,
Berks SL6 9PY, from 2 to 5pm.
Tuesday Painting: cost £2
A topic, appraisal, tea and cake |
Tuesday Extra: cost £1.50
Painting, tea and biscuits |
August 2nd: A drawing/painting of a window or door with character. | August 9th: Paint what you like |
August 16th: A landscape using charcoal | August 23rd: Paint what you like |
August 30th: Wild water |
The Annual Summer Exhibition
Our 80th Annual Exhibition is fast approaching and preparations are well in hand. August is our busiest month and all your help will be appreciated for setting up the exhibition. Most volunteers will already have been in touch with Wendy – if not, and you would like to help, please contact her as mentioned below.
Stewarding: Please contact Wendy if you have not ‘booked’ stewarding dates and times (2 dates) (07985 343437)
Exhibition arrangements are as follows:
Saturday 13th August: Artists bring paintings to hand in from 10am to 12noon. Selection takes place in the morning and templating (planning what goes on each screen) after lunch.
HELP – we need lots of volunteers to porter in the morning on that day. Please Contact Wendy if you are available. We would like helpers to come from 9.30 am – 12.30, or after lunch 1.30pm – 5pm, to help move paintings and tables during templating.
Selection Panel: Arrive at 9.45 am.
Members: Alison Pink (lead), John Eckhart, Sandy Herz. Non-members: Elisha Enfield, Sue Tilbury.
Hanging Committee: Satu Vartiainen, Karen Coomber, Pam Cullinane, Susan Norrel, Kay Lamb (chair).
Sunday 14th August: Craft hand in 1pm-2pm
Screen erection from 10 am and hanging the pictures from 11 am.
At 10 am Strong volunteers are needed to put up screens, please.
At 11 am volunteers are needed for hanging pictures, an easy job, as all screen layouts are planned during templating. In the afternoon we need people to clear away tables and prepare the hall for Preview Night.
Your help will be greatly appreciated. Please Contact Wendy if you are available.
Monday 15th August Preview Evening 7- 9pm.
As last year the preview will be open to Invited Guests only (Covid considerations – to limit the numbers in the hall). A member can come with their guest if needed.
Tuesday 16th August the Exhibition opens at 10 am. It runs until Sunday 28th August.
Sunday 28th August: A bell will be rung at 4.45pm and the Chairman will announce the end of the Exhibition. The hall will be cleared, for health and safety reasons, of everyone except those who have a job to do. Craft exhibitors may begin to collect their unsold work. Will all other exhibitors please go around to the side door to wait and buyers go into the lobby. This will make it much quicker and easier for everyone to prepare the tables for checking out. Paintings may not be taken down by artists before 5pm.
At 5pm exhibitors and buyers will be invited back in to collect their unsold paintings/purchases.
If you are unable to be there yourself, please send someone to pick them up on your behalf.
After taking your pictures down you must check them out. Do not forget your reserve, unhung, unframed work and cards. Cards must all be checked out or you won’t be paid!
At 5.15pm Dismantling Team start to pack-up screens etc. We would appreciate strong volunteers to help dismantle and store the screens and other equipment, please.
The club will not be responsible for paintings left behind.
If you use social media, please advertise the exhibition for the Club,
or perhaps circulate some flyers by email.
For the best presentation at our SUMMER EXHIBITION, we ask members to pay particular attention to the framing of their work. We hope this little reminder, below, will help ‘old timers’ as well as newcomers to arrive on handing-in day with pictures ready to hang and not ‘in need of repair’.
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Yours sincerely
Robert Jones
Newsletter Editor