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December Newsletter 2021

Post Category: Uncategorized
Post date: 26 November 2021

December 2021

Dear Member

In October Roger Dellar came to give us a real live demonstration of a café scene in oils. It made a delightful change from watching things on Zoom and we had a great turnout of more than thirty members – you can’t beat the real thing! (It was slightly surreal with the whole audience in masks – but thank you to those who came for taking this precaution to keep us all a little bit safer).

As on previous visits, Roger’s work was a delight to watch and learn from.

Thursday 16th December Christmas Party

12.45 – 3.30 pm. In The Parish Centre, Church Gate, Cookham, SL6 9SP.

We do hope that you will come along to enjoy good company, good food and a glass of wine at our annual Christmas Party. The committee have given considerable thought to how we can hold a ‘Covid safe’ event. We cannot pretend that things are entirely back to normal as the infections continue to trouble our society. The usual layout and sharing of food, handling of utensils and so on are clearly not a good idea at present. We have decided to have an indoor picnic! Pack up and bring a delicious lunch just for yourself (and your partner if you are bringing one along!) and also your own utensils, plate, cup and wine glass. We will ask you to wear a mask when not sitting at your table. We will provide wine and mince pies, tea and coffee at the end of the meal. So that we know how best to lay out the tables we really do need to know how many are coming. Please get it touch with me, Robert, by email by Thursday 9th December at the latest.

by Ann King

Joint winners of the Christmas Card competition for Tuesday Painters, Barry and Lyn

There will be a prize quiz and a raffle with wonderful prizes including a voucher for 1 year’s membership of your Club. Several kind people have donated art books, DVDs etc. to us. We will bring them along and if you would like to take anything away, we ask that you make a small donation for charity – we thought we would pass on the collection to Elizabeth House in Cookham.

The AGM was held on 18th November.

Kay, our chairman, gave her opening remarks and she, along with other committee members, reviewed the activities of the club over the last year. Members of the club will have received the full minutes with this Newsletter.

There were several significant changes discussed and voted on. Kay announced her retirement from the position of chairman, after 14 years. The committee were of course aware of this in advance and put forward Robert Jones (that’s me, your newsletter editor) for the post. I am pleased to say that I was fully supported by the members present and therefore accept the position. We were also very pleased to announce that two other members have agreed that they would join our committee, and Maralin Cottenham and Gill Griffith were duly proposed, seconded and elected.

After many years of excellent service to the club, Janet Fois has retired from the committee.

Remaining committee members, Simone Bonner, Pam Cullinane, Freddie Daniel, Wendy Mercer, Lyn Rackley, Sue Sepheri and Satu Vartiainen expressed a willingness to continue in their posts and were duly elected by the meeting.

Life Membership, for significant services to the club, was awarded to Kay Lamb (chairman), Janet Fois (organisation of demonstrations and workshops) and Jean Jackson (a special presentation for her long-standing support for the Club over the past 45 years, including our thanks for providing the space for storing our old screens for many years.)

The AGM was well attended by about 30 members and after the general business we had a very enjoyable talk by Inge du Plessis. She has been a contestant on Sky Portrait Artist of the Year and went all the way through to the final. She showed us some of the truly excellent portraits which she had worked on and regaled us with really amusing tales of being ‘on telly’ – before during and after the painting sessions; look surprised, delighted, puzzled etc. for the camera!! Thanks to Inge for such an entertaining afternoon.

Exhibition in Elizabeth House

Tuesday painters have now set up a display of paintings in Elizabeth House, Cookham Rise. Please do mention it to friends and family and drop in to view the exhibits and perhaps even make a purchase – Christmas is coming!

Opening Times: Monday 22nd November 2021 – Wednesday January 19th 2022

Monday – Thursday: 10am – 4pm (12 noon – 2pm closed for lunch)

Friday: 10am – 3pm (12 noon – 2pm closed for lunch)

Tuesday Painting.

Held in Cookham Dean Village Hall, 2 – 5pm every Tuesday.

Suggested Topics
November 23rd: A glass bowl or jar filled with coloured wrapped sweets. December 7th: Illustrate a Nursery Rhyme
November 30th: Paint what you like December 14th: Paint what you like
December 21st: No meeting

Coming Soon

Membership Renewal will be due on 1st January 2022, and there will be details about how to renew in the January newsletter, which will be out in mid-December. (Fees are £20 single and £34 couple). Sue Sepheri will be taking over from Robert Jones as membership secretary.


Try painting on an unusual surface and let the surface show through to add interest. Acrylic paint is probably best as it sticks to just about anything. Maralin had some OSB left over from some building work and painted a portrait on it – as you can see, the board has an interesting texture and makes a good skin tone. She will seal it with a matt varnish.

A disadvantage with OSB (oriented strand board) is its weight – if buying it especially for painting get the 9mm thickness, not the 18mm flooring grade!!

Maralin says she will experiment with cork, next (much lighter!)

Yours sincerely

Robert Jones email rdjforcac@gmail.com

Newsletter Editor